Friday, March 04, 2005

what is in a name

Hey ..

Finally I decided to get my own space in the web and start spamming officially as opposed to doing it in other's blog-posts as comments. All you experienced bloggers - please welcome this latecomer into your community. And for those of you who still dont have your own, thanks for not letting me be the last..

So yesterday, when I created by ID in blogspot and the next screen asked for a custom addressable name for the blogspace, my clicks ended there. I sat down thinking about it. How do I get people to visit my space ? For starters I decided to write down the subject that drive people to the net -

1. Free stuff
2. Sex

Since I coudnt think of anything more, I tried a combination of those two.. say, !! and know what - there was already a registered space with that name. And after that I spent the next ten minutes trying out every perumtation of free/cheap/deal and sex/porn/nude (and even gay!) - but no luck. It was all taken.

Giving up that idea, I decided to try out regular (and boring) names.. almost all that I could think of was taken. My curiosity took over me and I started reading some of these blog posts. Many of these spaces were created years back and were updated religiously for about 3-4 months and then abandoned. Godfather, Kewl, secondthoughts, musings, digitalthoughts, lordofblogs, ISaidIt - all taken. I think the latecomers have to pay the price always searching for a name..

Finally as an alternate strategy, I decided to compose a name with the top stuff that I like the most - and those were all food - sweets, karam and coffee.. Coming to think of it, blogs are almost similar to these snacks in one way. We consume each of these and then 'release' them out regularly - there is no direct value add (except for a momentary excitement) and a compulsive obsession is actually harmful to health, but we love them anyway and cant seem to live without them.

Neverthless, as Shakespeare said, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet". So a very uncool recieves lot of worthwhile traffic than a bunch of the cool-named blogs. So it is not much in the name, but what that goes into that matters. (Or that is what I want to believe anyway).

So finally here I am, stepping into the blogging world. Thanks to all those people who showed the way into this wilderness - Let me see if I regularly blog or end giving up sweet, karam, coffee !



eyeStreet times said...

Siva...welcome to the blog world. A space you can call yours in the cyber world.

So hope to read a lot of your thots which I predict would be more tilted towards sex, lies and sleazy ways !!!
Nevertheless, is that not the reflection of towards world !!??

...more bitter sweet coffee please !!

eyeStreet times said...

Correction. Pls read this as :

Nevertheless, is that not the reflection on today's world !!??

...typo !!

Anonymous said...

dude u know what u have every search on those key words will pop ur blog.:).let me comment annon.