Monday, May 23, 2005

may the force be with us


And so finally the saga ends. The American epic that happened long long ago in a galaxy far far away has come to an end. And it ended where it all began.. .. ..

STARWARS is not just another movie. It is a legend. An epic in its own might. It is the Ramayana or the Mahabharatha of a history-starved United States. Almsot every high school kid knows the story inside out. Almost every 30ish has patiently waited for years together to put the jigsaw in place.

And STARWARS was not a story told in totality in a single shot. The movie was spread over for years together, the first one releasing in 1977, the final one in 2005. Furthermore, it was not a movie released sequentially. The 4th, 5th and 6th episodes came out one after another with gaps of 2 years each. Then there was a huge gap of 16 years from 1983 - 1999 when the first episode came out. Then 2002 saw the second and finally 2005 the third.

Can a movie be released in ridiculous sequencing and still be a superhit ? Can a movie with queer characters with unpronouncable names have a huge fan following ? Can a movie which is nothing but a video game with dialogues run full houses for months ? Can a movie whose end is fully known still draw loyal crowds to a cinema just to watch missing pieces ? Can a movie when released, ensure that all its previous episodes are fully rented out of all video stores ?

Yes, yes and yes... George Lucas has not just tried but proved that all the above can be done and much more. He has created epic heroes. Aniken SkyWalker, Luke, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Senator Amidala, Obi-Wan Kanobe, Master Yoda are all immemorable icons - not just in Hollywood, but of American epics.

And when I went to the Starwars 3- Revenge of the Sith, I couldnt supress the excitement, the curiousness of what actually happened that changed the cute Ani into the fearsome Lord Darth Vader. The movie was high dose of stunts with the light saber killing thousands and thousands of the ewoks and whoever came in its way. The coup by the Sith was simply terrifying and the invicible Jedi were just reduced to a handful and had to go into hiding. But what was more impressive, was the message the movie delivered.

It was all about fear. Fear for the safety of the loved one. The fear to protect someone he loves drove the chosen Aniken SkyWalker to embrace the Sith and turn into Lord Vader. The fear to save his lover made him mad to believe everything that was said by anyone whom he thought could help protect his lover. He became a traitor to his own master and his own clan. He became faithless in the right way to live. He became self destructive and switched over to the dark side, the very side that he was born to destroy and bring balance to life.

"When I see him I see fear. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering".

...this powerful message from Master Yoda is definitely something to think about.



eyeStreet times said...

Absolutely amazing movie series. Should get together and watch a marathon 6 episodes.

eyeStreet times said...

Here is talkative creature Arun :

Anonymous said...

Am hooked on dude! The only Star Wars episode I had seen before this was the Attack of the clones. It wasn't so good and Karthik mentioned that it was the worst of the lot.

But, am quite impressed with the representation of democracy vs monarchy . Interesting concept. Now, need to watch the other four episodes!

eyeStreet times said...

Welcome raman...welcome.

Anonymous said...

Great the Star Wars Series is,
Enjoy it I will ! ;-)

Shiva said...

I always felt that if Master Yoda could have stopped his Junoon English, the democracy would have probably returned to the Galactic empire much earlier.

Anonymous said...

Hey Siva,
I watched all the Star Wars episodes, but could not watch this episode till the end cos i was with my friend in the theater. Anyways, good to read the story. As usual you are always a great story teller. Lets meet some time. I guess we should watch this series together.

Shiva said...

Thanks Anonymous. If you let me know who you are, we can definitely meet and plan for a StarWars marathon.